Jenn Rejoices In Grace

Thoughts from a woman who rejoices in the graciousness of God. Some insights into what it is like to be an announcer at Your Family Station WBFJ FM and Stereo 1550 WBFJ AM.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Meet Jonathan Gabriel Boger. I hope to have some clearer pictures of our second son soon. These are from my Sonogram last December.
I think it looks like he is playing peekaboo. :)
Jonathan is due May 9th.
His big brother Joshua is 6 1/2 and very excited about meeting him soon.

I just hope it is not TOO SOON. Selfish, I know, but we do have our WBFJ Sharathon coming up April 29-May 2. I want to be able to be a part of it! It is long week with long hours for a lot of our staff, yet I think it is the most FUN, blessed time in the WBFJ year!

Many of you volunteer your time to come answer phones during Sharathon. Some of you may come for the GREAT food (and I don't blame you--that's honestly one of the things I don't want to miss out on!) and fellowship or just simply out of your love for Your Family Station. We really appreciate you!

Many of you lift WBFJ (staff, artists, etc) up to our Father God in prayer during Sharathon. We really appreciate you! And I covet your prayers for me and my family as we prepare for Jonathan's birth.

Many of you give financially--some VERY sacrificially--to WBFJ during Sharathon. We really appreciate you! We are a listener-supported station and every penny makes a difference. Just please make sure you are first giving to your home church. :) We don't want to take away from that.

I am very excited about Sharathon and I hope you are, too. Tues. April 29th is Prayer and Praise Day and we'll wrap that up that evening at 7pm with what I expect to be a wonderful and lively concert with Salvador and Pocket Full of Rocks at First Assembly of God in Winston-Salem.

I hope that Jonathan stays put for a while longer so that I can see many of you during Sharathon! After he is born, I will be staying at home (as long as the Lord leads) to care for him. I hope to still be a part of the WBFJ Family as I am able. It has been a blessing to be a part of this ministry for the past almost 9 years. :)

Again, thanks for what YOU do for WBFJ. We really do appreciate you!

God Bless!

Josh, my Dad (Ed), me & Jonathan and my Mom (Robin) in early April. My husband Joe was taking the picture. :)
PS-If you want to volunteer during Sharathon, please e-mail Bonnie at