Tuesday, July 3, 2007
When I went to Lima and Cusco, Peru on a Buckner International Shoes For Orphan Souls mission trip this past March, I got to see first-hand just how much orphaned children need new shoes and how happy they are to receive them. And they need pure, true love just as much as they need new shoes.
You see, Buckner's Shoes For Orphan Souls teams don't just bring children new shoes. They also bring the good news of God's love and the hope of salvation through Christ! As you shop for shoes to give to Shoes For Orphan Souls during WBFJ's Shoe Drive, please pray for the child who will receive the shoes. You can even send a note and/or a photo to the child who will get the shoes. Some of the kids we ministered to in Peru received notes/photos with their shoes from the person/people who donated the shoes. They were very happy to have that extra dose of love and assurance that someone really does care for them!
James 1:27"Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world."
Next Monday, July 9th, we will be broadcasting live from 3 different areas to kick-off our shoe drive. Everyone who drops off a pair of new shoes during one of our remotes will receive a CD from WBFJ!
Lemstone Christian Books in Kernersville (8-10am)
Lifeway Christian Store, W-S (12p-2p)
GreensboroLifeway Christian Stores (4-6pm)
For a more detailed blog with photos go to www.jenntoperu.blogspot.com.
For more information about WBFJ's Shoes For Orphan Souls shoe drive, go to http://www.wbfj.fm/ or http://www.stereo1550.com/ and look for the SOS logo/banner or give us a call at 721-1560.
Happy Shoe-shopping!
:) Jennifer
When I went to Lima and Cusco, Peru on a Buckner International Shoes For Orphan Souls mission trip this past March, I got to see first-hand just how much orphaned children need new shoes and how happy they are to receive them. And they need pure, true love just as much as they need new shoes.
You see, Buckner's Shoes For Orphan Souls teams don't just bring children new shoes. They also bring the good news of God's love and the hope of salvation through Christ! As you shop for shoes to give to Shoes For Orphan Souls during WBFJ's Shoe Drive, please pray for the child who will receive the shoes. You can even send a note and/or a photo to the child who will get the shoes. Some of the kids we ministered to in Peru received notes/photos with their shoes from the person/people who donated the shoes. They were very happy to have that extra dose of love and assurance that someone really does care for them!
James 1:27"Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world."
Next Monday, July 9th, we will be broadcasting live from 3 different areas to kick-off our shoe drive. Everyone who drops off a pair of new shoes during one of our remotes will receive a CD from WBFJ!
Lemstone Christian Books in Kernersville (8-10am)
Lifeway Christian Store, W-S (12p-2p)
GreensboroLifeway Christian Stores (4-6pm)
For a more detailed blog with photos go to www.jenntoperu.blogspot.com.
For more information about WBFJ's Shoes For Orphan Souls shoe drive, go to http://www.wbfj.fm/ or http://www.stereo1550.com/ and look for the SOS logo/banner or give us a call at 721-1560.
Happy Shoe-shopping!
:) Jennifer
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