I heard a knock on my door last Saturday morning. I didn't answer it b/c I was still in my PJs! Plus, I wasn't expecting anyone. I went and peeked out the window after a moment and saw a lady I didn't know standing behind a stroller on the sidewalk in front of my home. And I saw a nicely dressed man I didn't know on my front stoop. Later when I opened the door I saw that the man had left some material from the Jehovah's Witnesses.
The materials look nice and warned about false religion or something, I think. The trouble is that the Jehovah's Witnesses are false when compared to the teachings of the Bible. In fact, from what I've learned from Josh McDowell and Dr. D. James Kennedy and his guests on Truths That Transform (M-F mornings at 8:03am on Stereo 1550 WBFJ AM), the Jehovah's Witnesses and the other common door-to-door group, the Mormons, are cults.
Wait, Jenn! JWs and Mormons both believe in Jesus! Well, the issue is WHAT they believe about Jesus, God, etc. On Truths That Transform today I learned that JWs believe that Jesus was actually the archangel Michael made into a man and was not divine. They believe that salvation is based on their own works AND distributing their materials! No wonder they are so determined to go door to door and give them out! Yes, they believe that they assist in their own salvation. Also, the foundations of JW are built on false prophecies.
For more information on cults and their teachings, check out www.truthsthattransform.org and the CHRISTIAN APOLOGETICS & RESEARCH MINISTRY website at www.carm.org. Below you will see some information that I found very enlightening on the CARM website.
I am thankful that I don't have to depend on myself for my salvation. If I did, I would be doomed and have no hope.
Rejoicing in God's graciousness,
Comparison of "religious movements"
This is a simplification of various groups and their beliefs. It is, to be realistic, an oversimplification. But it gives the reader an idea of where the groups stand.
Here's the order:
Jesus Christ
That Jesus saves from sin
Those who are saved
Trinity: 3 Persons in one God
God in flesh
by Grace
Jesus rose in the same body he died in
The Bible alone
Christian Science
Mary Baker Eddy
(1821-1910) Religious beliefs of Jesus' teachings, not the atonement.
A collection of spiritual ideas
Impersonal Universal Presence
A man in tune with the Divine Consciousness, not the Christ.
Correct thinking
No Bible, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, Miscellany
Faith in Allah and works
One God: Allah.
Non Trinitarian
Created being. A prophet. Not God.
by Allah's grace and man's works
Qur'an, Hadith
Jehovah's Witnesses
Charles T. Russell (1852-1916)
founded 1879
Jesus opened the door for us to earn our salvation
Members of their church
One Person
Created being. Michael the archangel who became a man
Keeping the commandments, being in their Organization
No Bible, Studies in the Scriptures, presently the Watchtower and Awake Magazines
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day saints (Mormons)
Joseph Smith (1805-1844) founded 1830
Jesus' atonement plus the Laws and ordinances of the gospel
Members of their church
Triad - 3 gods.
Created being. The brother of the devil and of all people
Resurrected by grace, saved by doing works.
The Bible, Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, Pearl of Great Price
-from www.carm.org