Jenn Rejoices In Grace

Thoughts from a woman who rejoices in the graciousness of God. Some insights into what it is like to be an announcer at Your Family Station WBFJ FM and Stereo 1550 WBFJ AM.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Meet Jonathan Gabriel Boger. I hope to have some clearer pictures of our second son soon. These are from my Sonogram last December.
I think it looks like he is playing peekaboo. :)
Jonathan is due May 9th.
His big brother Joshua is 6 1/2 and very excited about meeting him soon.

I just hope it is not TOO SOON. Selfish, I know, but we do have our WBFJ Sharathon coming up April 29-May 2. I want to be able to be a part of it! It is long week with long hours for a lot of our staff, yet I think it is the most FUN, blessed time in the WBFJ year!

Many of you volunteer your time to come answer phones during Sharathon. Some of you may come for the GREAT food (and I don't blame you--that's honestly one of the things I don't want to miss out on!) and fellowship or just simply out of your love for Your Family Station. We really appreciate you!

Many of you lift WBFJ (staff, artists, etc) up to our Father God in prayer during Sharathon. We really appreciate you! And I covet your prayers for me and my family as we prepare for Jonathan's birth.

Many of you give financially--some VERY sacrificially--to WBFJ during Sharathon. We really appreciate you! We are a listener-supported station and every penny makes a difference. Just please make sure you are first giving to your home church. :) We don't want to take away from that.

I am very excited about Sharathon and I hope you are, too. Tues. April 29th is Prayer and Praise Day and we'll wrap that up that evening at 7pm with what I expect to be a wonderful and lively concert with Salvador and Pocket Full of Rocks at First Assembly of God in Winston-Salem.

I hope that Jonathan stays put for a while longer so that I can see many of you during Sharathon! After he is born, I will be staying at home (as long as the Lord leads) to care for him. I hope to still be a part of the WBFJ Family as I am able. It has been a blessing to be a part of this ministry for the past almost 9 years. :)

Again, thanks for what YOU do for WBFJ. We really do appreciate you!

God Bless!

Josh, my Dad (Ed), me & Jonathan and my Mom (Robin) in early April. My husband Joe was taking the picture. :)
PS-If you want to volunteer during Sharathon, please e-mail Bonnie at

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

November is National Adoption Month. Here is a great article about adoption.
:) Jennifer

For the Sake of One
By Analiz GonzálezBuckner News Service

You’ve seen the faces on TV: faces of teary-eyed orphans begging for your help. You flip the channel, you try to look away, but they’re still there.
Realistically, though, how much could you do for the world’s lonely children? What’s the point of letting your heart be drawn out by a situation you can’t change? It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the overflow of need in the world. You aren’t its savior. So then what can you do?
Here’s a suggestion: Help one. Adopt one. Foster one. Focus on one. It may not change the world, but it will change that child’s world.
November is National Adoption Month. Nov. 17 is National Adoption Day. It’s a good time to consider bringing a new blessing into your life.
The Buckner Adoption Network is a Christ-center ministry that offers several adoption services designed to fit families’ adoption and foster care needs.
Buckner services include international and domestic adoption services as well as foster-to-adopt opportunities and birthmother services.
International adoption services offers families the opportunity to bring home children and babies from abroad to the United States. Children from abroad are unlikely to be adopted within their own culture. Because these children lack families to guide and assist them, they are on their own at age 16, with little or no vocational or educational skills. International adoption would be a good way to help one child find hope for the future.
Buckner domestic adoption services offers Texas families domestic infant adoption services, foster-to-adopt and TDFPS adoption services.
Domestic infant adoption services place newborns with Christian couples, usually straight from the hospital. Buckner works with birthmothers during pregnancy to determine a plan for the baby’s future. If she chooses adoption, she chooses the adoptive family. Then she and the family together work out the relationship they will have before and after the baby is born.
Buckner’s birthmother connection allows Buckner to work with birthmothers to provide education about adoption, open adoption and a birthmother’s role in her child’s life after placement; give her tools to cope with the grief in making the adoption decision; help prepare her for giving birth;allow her to look at all the families waiting to adopt; and support her through counseling and support groups with other birthmothers.
The Buckner foster-to-adopt services offer the opportunity to adopt the children who are being fostered by a family. For more information about adoption or supporting our adoption programs, contact us at or 1-866-236-7823.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

This is from Lisa Holbrook of Caroline's Promise...

Guatemala 5000 Intitiative
Easy Steps to Take Action

Please take the time to make phone calls, send emails, or fax letters to your member of Congress and UNICEF/New York. We've tried to make it easier for you, by writing a sample letter that you can use. You CAN make a difference for the children of Guatemala! To learn more about the Guatemala 5000 Intitiative please visit:

Step 1: Contact your US Senators by phone or email. Feel free to use our sample letter, making necessary changes. Ask to speak to the Legislative Director or Chief of Staff.
Email Richard Burr

Phone: 202-224-6342 Fax: 202-224-1100
If you don't live in North Carolina - find your Senator's contact info here:

Step 2: Contact your Representative to the House of Representatives. Send the same letter. and use the "Find Your Representative" section in the upper left

Here is a sample letter:
Dear ______

I am writing in response to the Guatemala 5000 initiative. As adoptive parents and advocates for orphans everywhere, I am concerned about President Berger's announcement that there will be no grandfathering of Guatemalan adoptions that are currently in process. We have taken many mission trips to Guatemala and know first hand the conditions of the children's homes. Our concern is not only for the 5000 adoptive families in process, but most importantly for the 5000 children who should be able to come home to those forever families. We are concerned about the welfare of these children if their adoption process is not allowed to be completed.

We are asking that you get involved and
Sign the letter to President Berger of Guatemala that is sponsored by the Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute. If you do not have a copy of this letter, please contact CCAI at 202-544-8500.
Sign the letter to UNICEF that is sponsored by JCICS.

These letters simply ask that all adoptions in process as of January 1, 2008 be allowed to process to completion under existing notorial laws.

Thank you for taking the time to hear our concern. We thank you in advance for supporting the Guatemala 5000 Initiative.

Sincerely, ___________ (your name, city and state)

Step 3: Call or fax Ann Veneman, Executive Director of UNICEF Headquarters
Phone: 212-326-7000 Fax: 212-326-7758
Feel free to use the sample letter below, making necessary changes.

Ann Veneman, Executive Director

I am writing in response to the Guatemala 5000 initiative. As adoptive parents and advocates for orphans everywhere, I am concerned about President Berger's announcement that there will be no grandfathering of Guatemalan adoptions that are currently in process. We have taken many mission trips to Guatemala and know first hand the conditions of the children's homes. Our concern is not only for the 5000 adoptive families in process, but most importantly for the 5000 children who should be able to come home to those forever families. We are concerned about the welfare of these children if their adoption process is not allowed to be completed.

We realize that you have incredible influence and are asking that you use it to ensure that the 5000 children already in the Guatemalan adoption process, be allowed to process to completion under existing notorial law.

Step 4: Send an email to informing them of your support of intercountry adoption.

Caroline's Promise 1950 Beeson Road Kernersville NC 27284

Dear Friends and Family,
You likely know my heart for orphans--especially after having been to Peru twice this year and seeing some of the most precious ones with my own eyes, hugging them with my own arms, etc. The recent news about the Guatemalan president suspending US adoptions of Guatemalan orphans breaks my heart! And it will likely break the hearts of the 5,000 precious children who will suffer the consequences of this action in the form of not being able to join the forever families that they have already been referred to.

Please read the info below from local adoption advocacy/education/help ministry Caroline's Promise and then visit to see how YOU can make a difference.

JCICS (Joint Council on International Children's Services) is asking that we act on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday (October 9th, 10th, 11th)--within a 72 hour window for maximum affect. (Sorry I didn't send this out sooner!)
Muchas Gracias!
For the precious children,

James 1:27 (Amplified Bible)
27External religious worship [religion as it is expressed in outward acts] that is pure and unblemished in the sight of God the Father is this: to visit and help and care for the orphans and widows in their affliction and need, and to keep oneself unspotted and uncontaminated from the world.
Copyright © 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foundation

PS-I interviewed Lisa Holbrook of Caroline's Promise about this earlier today and will air portions of it on Stereo 1550 WBFJ AM later today and as we can. Please pray that God will use this interview compell our listeners to act on behalf of the children. Thanks!

Urgent Action Needed for Guatemala Adoptions

Many of you are aware that the President of Guatemala has made a decision to cease all Guatemalan adoptions to people living in the U.S., effective January 1, 2008. You can learn more from the Joint Council on International Children's Services:

"President Berger's plans also call for the suspension of adoptions currently in-process. Such a suspension would be extremely detrimental to the children referred to adoptive parents. If President Berger's plan is actually implemented, up to 5,000 will unnecessarily remain in foster care or orphanages indefinitely. This situation represents a pending crisis for the adoptive families who have chosen to provide permanency, safety and love to a child in need and most importantly a crisis for 5,000 children of Guatemala." JCICS website.

JCICS has established the Guatemala 5000 Initiative and we encourage you to participate. They are asking all of us to make 6 phone calls and send 1 email to members of Congress and UNICEF. They are asking us to do this on October 9 -11. Your participation CAN make a difference!

Ultimately we depend on our Heavenly Father to intervene on behalf of these precious children. We believe that He is calling the Church to do its job and get involved!

Guatemala Prayer List:
That people will take the time to participate in the Guatemala 5000 Initiative.
That the government of Guatemala will at the very least provide a "Grandfather clause", allowing children who have been referred to adoptive parents to complete their adoption and not remain in orphanages.
For the children's homes and caregivers in Guatemala who will now be under extreme financial stress as they try to meet the needs of children.
For the US families who have children in the adoption process in Guatemala.
PLEASE get involved! Visit and inform people who want to make a difference in the lives of children.

From Caroline's Promise www.
Kernersville, NC

"...we began to realize that many more families would choose adoption if they had financial support, encouragement and prayer support. From that realization came the ministry, Caroline’s Promise.We are excited that you have found us and encourage you to learn more about Caroline's Promise! James 1:27 says, “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress. ” What is God saying to you when you read this scripture? What is He calling you to do? Adopt? Volunteer? Give financially? God’s word is clear – you must do something!" David and Lisa Holbrook, Co founders and Directors

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

When I went to Lima and Cusco, Peru on a Buckner International Shoes For Orphan Souls mission trip this past March, I got to see first-hand just how much orphaned children need new shoes and how happy they are to receive them. And they need pure, true love just as much as they need new shoes.

You see, Buckner's Shoes For Orphan Souls teams don't just bring children new shoes. They also bring the good news of God's love and the hope of salvation through Christ! As you shop for shoes to give to Shoes For Orphan Souls during WBFJ's Shoe Drive, please pray for the child who will receive the shoes. You can even send a note and/or a photo to the child who will get the shoes. Some of the kids we ministered to in Peru received notes/photos with their shoes from the person/people who donated the shoes. They were very happy to have that extra dose of love and assurance that someone really does care for them!

James 1:27"Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world."

Next Monday, July 9th, we will be broadcasting live from 3 different areas to kick-off our shoe drive. Everyone who drops off a pair of new shoes during one of our remotes will receive a CD from WBFJ!
Lemstone Christian Books in Kernersville (8-10am)
Lifeway Christian Store, W-S (12p-2p)
GreensboroLifeway Christian Stores (4-6pm)

For a more detailed blog with photos go to

For more information about WBFJ's Shoes For Orphan Souls shoe drive, go to or and look for the SOS logo/banner or give us a call at 721-1560.

Happy Shoe-shopping!
:) Jennifer


Monday, April 16, 2007

I have grown out my hair and avoided highlighting it for about a year in order to be able to donate hair to Locks of Love. The above is a collage of my hair before, during and after (and then, due to the photo program having a mind of its own--before AGAIN) my LOL cut. LOL in this case refers to LOCKS OF LOVE, not Laugh Out Loud (at least I hope so.)

If you have considered or would consider donating your or your child's hair (they should be willing, too!) to help children who have lost their hair, here is some helpful info. on LOL.

Locks of Love is a public non-profit organization that provides hairpieces to financially disadvantaged children under age 18 suffering from long-term medical hair loss from any diagnosis. We meet a unique need for children by using donated hair to create the highest quality hair prosthetics. Most of the children helped by Locks of Love have lost their hair due to a medical condition called alopecia areata, which has no known cause or cure. The prostheses we provide help to restore their self-esteem and their confidence, enabling them to face the world and their peers.
Please Note: Anyone can cut your hair as long the guidelines listed below are followed. We encourage all of our donors to go to a salon they are already familiar with to ensure their comfort when donating.
Hair that is colored or permed is acceptable.
Hair cut years ago is usable if it has been stored in a ponytail or braid.
Hair that has been bleached (usually this refers to highlighted hair) is not usable. If unsure, ask your stylist.
Hair that is swept off of the floor is not usable.
Hair that is shaved off and not in a ponytail or braid is not usable.
Layered hair is acceptable if the longest layer is 10 inches.
Layered hair may be divided into multiple ponytails.
Curly hair may be pulled straight to measure the minimum 10 inches.
Hair that is 6-10 inches in length will be accepted and sold at fair market value to offset the manufacturing costs.
Gray hair will be accepted and sold at fair market value to offset the manufacturing costs.
Hair is needed from men and women, young and old, all colors and races.
There is no maximum length you can donate.
It is estimated that 80% of all donations come from children who wish to help other children.
For more information about Locks of Love, please visit
Note of PRAISE:
Since I donated my hair I have "met" (via MySpace) a local girl who was blessed by receiving a wig from Locks of Love when she was a child going through illness-related hair loss. Sometimes we tend to be unsure as to the truth and accountability of an organization until we get a first hand account of it. So, take it from me--and from my new friend--Locks of Love is legit!
Rejoicing in Grace,

Monday, March 12, 2007

Good morning!

Just wanted to let you know that WBFJ's multitalented Mike (Deke if you listen to Crossroad!) has set up a special blog for my mission trip to Peru with Buckner International's Shoes For Orphans Souls. To see it, go to

I'm excited and I've started packing and laying out some things. I leave this Saturday afternoon 3/17/07 (St. Patrick's Day)! Wow!

Rejoicing (more than you can imagine) in grace,



Monday, February 26, 2007

Next month I will be travelling to Peru to represent WBFJ on a Shoes For Orphans Souls mission trip with Buckner International. (

This will be my first mission trip as well as my first trip outside the USA requiring a Passport. So, I had to get a Passport. That was pretty easy to do after I called my mom to confirm her and my dad's birthplaces. Good thing I did, b/c I would have gotten my dad's wrong! He was born in Petersburg, Va--not Hopewell like I thought! I knew that mom was born in Buffalo, NY!

Well, I hear that South America is lovely--but there are some risks in going there.
YIKES! I don't want any colored fever and I needed my Tetnus/Diptheria booster, so I went to my Doctor's office for that. And the next day I headed to a place I just recently learned about--The Passport Health office.
Tonya, the Clinical Nurse Manager, talked to me about the various health risks of visiting the areas of Peru where I'll be travelling. She had a HUGE map in her office to help us visualize my trip.

Ultimately, I decided to cover the basics including Typhoid Fever, Flu and Hepatitis A&B. Here is a lineup of what I was about to face. Tonya was working on preparing the 3rd shot off camera. The biohazard bin kinda looks like a Red Hat in this pic. My mom is in a Red Hats group in Hopewell, VA! I think Tonya is a bit young for the average age of Red Hatters, anyway.

1,2, 3 sticks and then 3 bandages for my "boo-boos". My son Josh wondered why I didn't get "cool" bandages like he uses. Why, indeed, Tonya?! Perhaps those are reserved for minors.
(Not pictured: my 1 boo-boo on my right arm from the Tetnus/Dipth. shot I got the day before.)
In the bathroom after my shots, I reflected on my experience. No tears! Even though my hair was pretty flat. I'm growing it out to cut 10 inches of it off to give to Locks of Love. Locks of Love is a public non-profit organization that provides hairpieces to financially disadvantaged children under age 18 suffering from long-term medical hair loss from any diagnosis. They meet a unique need for children by using donated hair to create the highest quality hair prosthetics. Check out
After all those shots, all that talk about SOUTH America and needing to learn some Spanish, and since it was so close to lunchtime, I decided I would jump on into some more trip prep-work by going "South of the border" to the nearby Taco Bell drive -through to get my lunch. (I didn't see ANY rats!) I only wonder if I can work my working lunch into my reinbursable expenses.

(I do not advise eating Tacos while driving. It is difficult and messy and unsafe--even though I was driving my hubby's car and didn't have to shift gears. Of course, being safety and CLEAN-conscious, I did most of my nibbling at the stop lights and back at the station.)
I will be blogging about my trip from Peru from time to time. So check back and see how things are going. And I'd appreciate your prayers for me, for the others making the trip, for my husband Joe and son Joshua and for the orphans we will be blessing and ministering to on this trip!
Rejoicing in grace and in the opportunity to share God's love in Peru,
